Saturday, February 03, 2007

Cooming soon: The Party is Over, Now What?

Due to time constraints and the fact that I am unable to pry MY computer from my WIFE'S hands , this next post will be published with a slight delay "OK OK I am not touching the computer now!!!!" It's yours..... Love you Rita you are so sweet, yes I know I am still typing but it is my computer after all......Don't start crying Im going to give it back.....STOP pulling on it.....NO GIVE IT BACK>>>I wasn't done yet,,,,,I stillle wantedindito ahdjfsay jfdjls afja STOPP jfha;moving the n ajfjdjf laptop.

NO we don't need counseling this is just another joke!!!!!!!

Have a LOLiful day

the title isn't a joke. There will be a post with the above title


Anonymous said...

you two are soo funny.......


Rita Loca said...

Ha Ha!!! I got it back!!!

CaraqueƱa said...

Hilarious...I'd like a picture of THAT!

Ashley said...


You're hilarious.

Harry said...

Fascinating blog ya'got here. Regarding the indians, the liberal American perspective views the indians as residents in a giant open air zoo, like African Lion Safari in Florida. For enough money, tourists can fly down meet exotic primitives, thrill to the way they live, spend a few days "roughing it" and then fly back home to modernity. I've got friends who have done it. It fulfills some sort of need to relate to the primitive "others", to show that they could live like that if they wanted to, unspoiled by civilization, unsullied by capitalism, etc.

As for Chavez, I still don't understand the fascination with Communism among the educated leftists. Education really does not make everyone smarter.

Oh, and you might want to get your wife her own computer, but then there is always the danger that your communication will degenerate into emails to each other.

Rita Loca said...

Hey! That Harry guy sounds lik hes on the right track with the computer thing!!!Great idea...wonder where I've heard that before?

Unknown said...

Gottta love you two! Thanks for making us laugh Clint, but I thought this was supposed to be your "SERIOUS" blogsite??

Yekwana Man said...

It was a serious discussion over a computer!